Anthony HawleyMar 31, 2023Director ReportsMarch 2023 | Director's ReportHey all! We had three food drives for the month that brought in $2,151.93 and 1,841 pounds of food. Up 5.6% from March, we served 4,035...
Anthony HawleyFeb 28, 2023Director ReportsFebruary 2023 | Director's ReportHey all! We had one grocery store food drive for the month that brought in $524 and 975 pounds of food. We also had the Valentine’s bake...
Anthony HawleyJan 31, 2023Director ReportsJanuary 2023 | Director's ReportHey all! We had two grocery store food drives for the month that brought in $1,772.71, $60 in gift cards and 3,475 pounds of food. Down...