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Image shows hand reaching for snacks from a box.


If you're in need of food, you've come to the right place.


Welcome to the Lake Stevens Community Food Bank. Whether you're a regular client or a one-time visitor — it's our joy to serve you.

If it's your first time, please click the button below to create an account. Your information is private, and we only require registration for grant purposes.

Image shows food bank volunteer organizing shelf.

Where to Find Us

Our new building is now open! Distributions from the new building are by appointment only. Please scroll below to make an appointment.

Calvary Chapel will continue to do a drive-through distribution.

*At our Thursday distribution site, Ebenezer Lutheran Church, check in will begin on the 117th side of the Church and proceed through the parking lot. After checking in, clients will be directed to the pick-up site and the food will be loaded in their cars. Clients to NOT need to get out of their cars. Please do not come before we open to allow our Volunteers to prepare properly.

Christmas Distribution

Please find the distribution time that works for you. If appointments completely fill, please consider visiting Calvary Chapel on Wednesdays from 3pm-5pm. *Tuesday Distribution is reserved for those who are 55+ or with disabilities*

Citrus Fruits
Image shows the new Food Bank building under construction.


We finally will have a building to call home!

The Grand Opening of the new Lake Stevens Food Bank will take place in June, 2023.

Come celebrate with us — we can't wait of show you around! And, stay tuned as we will be transitioning away from the "drive through" model and starting an in-person shopping experience.

  • How do I qualify to get food?
    If you need food, come and see us! At the Lake Stevens Community Food Bank, we do not require "proof" of your need. Simply sign up for an appointment on our website and show up. No appointment is required for our Wednesday distribution at Calvary Chapel.
  • What food do you have?
    We have a little bit of everything! Though the exact items change, here's what you can expect: + Frozen meat proteins such as chicken, beef, pork and fish + Fresh produce + Shelf-stable essentials + Breads, pastries, and more. We also have limited amounts of baby formula and pet food.
  • Do you have special dietary or cultural foods?
    We do our best to meet our clients' needs. If you have a food restriction, please let one of our volunteers know, and we will hand-select something for you based on what we have available.
  • What do you have besides food?
    In addition to food distribution, we offer basic household cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, and limited-size baby diapers, as donations allow. If you need something specific, we are happy to do our best to accommodate you.


The Food We Have

The food we offer clients aren't low-quality left overs. If we wouldn't eat it, we wouldn't offer it to our clients. Have a look yourself!

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